Rainy STEM Day!

Well we made it through another day of STEM Camp…except we all got a little soaked along the way today. The students were great sports about it! We’re thankful the storms held off and it was just rain today. Unfortunately it looks a little iffy tomorrow still, but we will forge ahead with our STEM fun!

Today in the red and blue groups, they did some mathematical modeling with origami and 3D pens with Dr. Jong. The students really enjoyed the challenge of the origami and many practiced lots of patience with the paper folding. It was fun to learn about how to fold the paper in different ways and to put the nets together to form the 3d shapes. 3d pens are always a big hit every year. Not only do they help students build their own models, they also tap into their creative side. They take a lot of pride and ownership in their creations! We love seeing the uniqueness of the students come out!

In the green and yellow groups, they visit Dr. Escobar and her graduate students in Chemical Engineering. They conducted some investigations with different types of absorbency materials. Then they got to make their own bouncy balls and chapstick! I’m sure they were eager to show you their creations tonight.

In robotics, both groups started the First Lego League Challenge today. They were eager to start the different challenges and string all the knowledge they learned the previous 3 days. There were lots of successes and high fives today!

In their words…

  • I DiD not know about some shapes
  • How to make oragamis, cube, and shapes.
  • 3D pens are awsome
  • How people make rubber balls & chap stick
  • I learned that there is powder in dipers and that it reacts to water.
  • chemical engineers have a wide variety of jobs
  • Everything! It was all awesome!
  • How many differnt chemicals we use
  • I loved everything that I learned today and I might want to be a chemical engineer

Conversation Starters…

Red/Blue Groups

  • What shapes did you use to put together your big origami shape? How did you know how to fit the pieces together?
  • What did you create with your 3d pen?
  • What robot challenge did you start with today? What made you feel successful?

Yellow/Green Groups

  • What happened when the diaper powder mixed with water?
  • How did you make the bouncy ball?
  • What did you have to combine to make the chapstick? If you wanted to make the chapstick more firm, what would you add more of?
  • What robot challenge did you start with today? What made you feel successful?

Photo of the Day…

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